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Koji Furudoi: Portrait

K O J I  F U R U D O Ï

K O J I  F U R U D O Ï

Artiste peintre japonais,
est né le 8 octobre 1947 à Kobé.

Il commence à peindre à l' âge de 15 ans. En 1963, il obtient le prix du Journal Asahi et décide d' être peintre.

Il s' installe à Tokyo en 1965, où il s' inscrit à l' Académie Forme et, en 1967, il entre à l' Université des Beaux-Arts de Musashino à Tokyo. Il y suit les cours du Professeur Satsuo Nakama, puis du Professeur Saburo Aso.
Il obtient sa licence en 1971 et reçoit le Premier Prix de fin d' études.
Ensuite, il prépare sa maîtrise qu' il obtient en 1972 et reçoit à nouveau le Premier Prix de fin d' études. Ses tableaux entrent dans la collection du Musée des Beaux- Arts et à la Bibliothèque de l' Université des Beaux- Arts de Musashino.

Ses études terminées, il enseigne le dessin dans les collèges de Higashimurayama et de Hachioji ; et également à l' Académie d' Art de Kindai de Tokyo.

En 1971, il réalise sa première exposition personnelle à la Galerie Tsubaki de Tokyo et expose à la Galerie Uchudo avec le groupe "Ashura".

En 1974, il obtient le Grand Prix de Paris et l' Université des Beaux- Arts de Musashino lui octroie une bourse d' études à Paris où il s' installe cette année là.

Depuis 1975, Koji Furudoï a participé à de nombreuses expositions de groupe(Galerie Haut-Pavé, Cité Internationale des Arts, "Divergence 9" à la Galerie Arnaud) ainsi que des expositions personnelles à Paris, Milan, Chicago et Tokyo.

Koji Furudoï est décédé le 5 mai 2008 d'un infarctus chez lui à Maisons-Alfort.
Japanese painter,
was born on October 8, 1947 in Kobe.

He began painting at the age of fifteen. In 1963, he won the Asahi newspaper's prize and decided to become a painter.

He settled in Tokyo in 1965. There, he enrolled at the Forme Academy, and in 1967 he entered the Musashino Fine Arts University in Tokyo, where he took courses from Professor Satsuo Nakama and then from Professor Saburo Aso.
He received his bachelor's degree in 1971, and was awarded the first prize at graduation.
Then he prepared his master's degree, which he received in 1972, and was again awarded the first prize at graduation. His works became part of the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts and of the library at the Musashino Fine Arts University.

Having finished his studies, he taught drawing in the Higashimurayama and Hachioji middle schools ; he also taught at the Kindai Art Academy in Tokyo.

In 1971 he was given his first one-man show at the Tsubaki Gallery in Tokyo, and he exhibited at the Uchudo Gallery with the "Ashura" group.

In 1974, he won the Grand Prix de Paris and the Musashino Fine Arts University granted him a scholarship to come to Paris, where he settled that year.

Since 1975 Koji Furudoi has participated in numerous group exhibitions (Galerie Haut-Pavé, Cité Internationale des Arts,"Divergence 9" at the Galerie Arnaud), as well as in personal exhibitions in Paris, Milano, Chicago and Tokyo.

Koji Furudoi is died the 5th may 2008 due to heart attack at home, in Maisons-Alfort.

copyrightc 2007 koji furudoï